The Holy Quran reveled on Prophet Mohammad. It actually happened as was written in the previous books of God. The Holy Quran is not only a book of religion instead it is full of knowledge. Holy Quran doesn't impose anything yet the verses convince oneself according to his own thinking and mentality. We can say that if some one is reading the Holy Quran in its own language then their is no need to hire a teacher or priest.
As the great philosopher Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib said " When I need to talk to God, I say prayers, and when I need him to talk to me....I read the Holy Quran"
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Sahi Bukhari is the 2nd most important book among muslims. It consists of maximum sayings of the Prophet Mohammad. After quran-e-kareem, this book is valued in islamic world and also among the non-muslims who believe in the logical and philosophical point of view of happenings.
Hazrat Mohammad(P.B.U.H) is the last messenger of God. His personality was created in a way so that he can be an example for the whole mankind, not only for the believers of a religion or a specific ideology.
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Nahjul Blagha is basically the 3rd most important literature among Muslims. After quran and sayings of Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H), Nahjul blagha is referenced. This book Contains the saying of Hazrat Ali ibn-e-abi Talib, the paternal brother, Son-in-law and the successor of Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H).Nahjul Balagha consists of 3 main chapters i-e
Sahifa-e-Kamila/Sajjadia is the book that contains prayers(duayein) Of Imam Zain-ul-Aabideen named Sajjad, who was the son of Imam Hussain Ibn-e-Ali, Ibn-e-Abi Talib.
The grand son of a great Philosopher Hazrat Imam Ali, the paternal brother and son in law of Prophet Mohammad.
Imam Sajjad Ibn-e-Hussain was born in 58 Hijri. He survived from the Battle of karbala, and his followers kept a record of his duayein (prayers) in which he praised Allah(God) in the best logical ways, and unlocked many philosophical complexions about the concept of God.
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Tohfa-tul-awam is the book of aamal(Prayers). It also contain the brief discription of Haram(Restricted) and Halal(Allowed) according to quran and teachings of Prophet Mohammad.
Shahadat Imam Hussain
Shahadat Imam Hussain, written by Dr.Muhammad Tahirul-Qadri is a comprehensive writting explaining Wakiya-e-Karbala according to the references of history. The Book is based upon most reliable resources. The reference from a historical prospective are taken from books of Ahadees hein history based books like tareekh-e-Kamil and Tareekh-e-tabri by the great historian Ibn-e-Jareer Tabri.
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Hazrat Mohammad(P.B.U.H) is the last messenger of God. His personality was created in a way so that he can be an example for the whole mankind, not only for the believers of a religion or a specific ideology.
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(1) Sermons
(2) Letters
(3) Sayings
These sermons and preaching of Hazrat Ali were so highly valued and venerated in the Islamic world that within a century of his death they were taught and read as the last word on the Philosophy of mono-theism, as the best lectures for character building, as exalted sources of inspiration, as very persuasive sermons towards piety, as guiding beacons towards truth and justice, as marvelous eulogies of the Holy prophet and the Holy Quran, as convincing discourses on the spiritual values of Islam, as awe inspiring discussions about the attributes of God. as master-piece of literature, and as models of the art of rhetoric’s.
Allama Ibne-abil-Hadeed, the Mothazati commentator of Nahjul Balagha, says that:
Hazrat Ali had a personality in which opposite characteristics had so gathered that it was difficult to believe a human mind could manifest such a combination.He was the bravest man that history could cite and such brave persons are always hardhearted, cruel, and eager for bloodshed.On the contrary Ali was kind, sympathetic, responsive and warm-hearted person, qualities quite contradictory to the other phase of his character and more suited to pious and God fearing persons.
To Oelsner (the famous French Orientals and author of 'Les Effects de La Religion de Mohammed')
Ali was beau ideal of chivalry; and personification of gallantry, bravery and generosity.
He says:” Pure, gentle and learned without fear and without reproach, he set the world the noblest example of chivalrous grandeur of character. His spirit was a pure reflection of that of Mohammed, it overshadowed the Islamic world and formed the animating genius of succeeding ages".
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The grand son of a great Philosopher Hazrat Imam Ali, the paternal brother and son in law of Prophet Mohammad.
Imam Sajjad Ibn-e-Hussain was born in 58 Hijri. He survived from the Battle of karbala, and his followers kept a record of his duayein (prayers) in which he praised Allah(God) in the best logical ways, and unlocked many philosophical complexions about the concept of God.
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The book also contains Ahkam(procedures), dua and ziaraat.
Basically the description of Aamal in quran is compiled in this book.
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Faroo-e-Kaafi describes the due respect and protocols of Holy Places such as The Holy Kaaba, The Holy Shrine of prophet Mohammad, his family and companions.
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Usool-e-Kafi is the book in which sayings of the Ayima(Family of Prophet Mohammad) are gathered.There are four main contents of the book i-e:
(1) The Book Of intelligence and ignorance
(2) The Book On virtue Of knowlege
(3) The Book On ONENESS Of God
(4) The Book about people with Divine Authority
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Karbala is a city in Iraq, located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Baghdad. Karbala is mostly known by the Battale of Karbala, which held in 61 Hijri. The battle was imposed on the Grand son of Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H) named Hazrat Imam Hussain. It was imposed by Yazid Ibn-e-Maviya, who was the grand son of the worst enemy of the Prophet Mohammad, named Abu Sufiyan. The book presented here describe all the key factors of the battle. The reason of its happening, the role of individuals in the battle and summary of the battle according to Quran, teachings of Prophet Mohammad and the logical point of views.
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Mafaati-ul-Jinaan by Molana Sheikh Abbas Qummi is basically the book of prayers(ebaadat). It consists of 5 chapters:
(1) Quraani Aayat:Translation of selected Qurani versus, and their explanation is given in this chapter. The importance of aayat and their specifications are presented in an easy way. Which is understandble for everyone who is a non-Arabic or even non-Muslim. Ayaat containing the myth of Qur'an are collected in this book.
(2) Duayein:In this chapter different prayers are attached, which were given by Prophet Mohammad to his family and companions on different occasions.
(3) Taqeebat-e-Namaz:This chapters contains the teachings of Prophet about prayer(Namaz). The method of prayer, its contents and importance(Fazeelat).
(4) Sayings and Life of Ayimma:History about ayima(Family of prophet Mohammad) and their sayings are compiled in this content.
(5) Ziyaraat:Last chapter consists of ziyarat( A concept of special prayer to pay tribute to prophet Mohammad his family and companions).
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The book also explains the procedure of prayers being offered their. It contains a historical prospective of life of Ayimma( Family of Prophet Mohammad) and their way to visit these Holy places.
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(1) The Book Of intelligence and ignorance
(2) The Book On virtue Of knowlege
(3) The Book On ONENESS Of God
(4) The Book about people with Divine Authority
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(1) Quraani Aayat:Translation of selected Qurani versus, and their explanation is given in this chapter. The importance of aayat and their specifications are presented in an easy way. Which is understandble for everyone who is a non-Arabic or even non-Muslim. Ayaat containing the myth of Qur'an are collected in this book.
(2) Duayein:In this chapter different prayers are attached, which were given by Prophet Mohammad to his family and companions on different occasions.
(3) Taqeebat-e-Namaz:This chapters contains the teachings of Prophet about prayer(Namaz). The method of prayer, its contents and importance(Fazeelat).
(4) Sayings and Life of Ayimma:History about ayima(Family of prophet Mohammad) and their sayings are compiled in this content.
(5) Ziyaraat:Last chapter consists of ziyarat( A concept of special prayer to pay tribute to prophet Mohammad his family and companions).
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Shahadat Imam Hussain

Shahadat Imam Hussain, written by Dr.Muhammad Tahirul-Qadri is a comprehensive writting explaining Wakiya-e-Karbala according to the references of history. The Book is based upon most reliable resources. The reference from a historical prospective are taken from books of Ahadees hein history based books like tareekh-e-Kamil and Tareekh-e-tabri by the great historian Ibn-e-Jareer Tabri.
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